About Legend of the Green Dragon
Legend of the Green Dragon
By Eric Stevens & JT Traub

LoGD version 1.1.1 Dragonprime Edition
MightyE tells you, "
Legend of the Green Dragon is a remake of and homage to the classic BBS Door game, Legend of the Red Dragon (aka LoRD) by Seth Able Robinson."

"LoRD is now owned by Gameport (http://www.gameport.com/bbs/lord.html), and they retain exclusive rights to the LoRD name and game. That's why all content in Legend of the Green Dragon is new, with only a very few nods to the original game, such as the buxom barmaid, Violet, and the handsome bard, Seth."

"Although serious effort was made to preserve the original feel of the game, numerous departures were taken from the original game to enhance playability, and to adapt it to the web."

"LoGD (after version 0.9.7) is released under a Creative Commons License, which essentially means that the source code to the game, and all derivatives of the game must remain open and available upon request. Version 0.9.7 and before are still available under the GNU General Public License though 0.9.7 will be the last release under that license. To use any of the new features requires using the 1.0.0 code. You may explicitly not place code from versions after 0.9.7 into 0.9.7 and release the combined derivative work under the GPL."

"You may download the latest official version of LoGD at DragonPrime and you can play the Classic version at http://lotgd.net."

You should attempt to use this code only if you are comfortable with PHP and MySQL and willing to manually keep your code up to date.

"Additionally, there is an active modder community located at DragonPrime which may help you find additional features which you may wish to add to your game. For these additional features you will find active support within the DragonPrime community."

"LoGD is programmed in PHP with a MySQL backend. It is known to run on Windows and Linux with appropriate setups. The core code has been actively written by Eric Stevens and JT Traub, with some pieces by other authors (denoted in the source at these locations), and the code has been released under a Creative Commons License. Users of the source are bound to the terms therein.
The DragonPrime Development Team took over responsibility for code development on January 1st, 2006 and continues to maintain and add to features of the core code.

"Users of the source are free to view and modify the source, but original copyright information, and original text from the about page must be preserved, though they may be added to."

"We hope you enjoy the game!"
Quote: <JuGS> Jazzy Bih Kendra says, "You could also cheat on yourself and break up with yourself for cheating, but secretly want to get back with yourself because, besides what you told your friends, you still kind of love yourself. You constantly block and unblock yourself on your phone, and stalk your own Facebook page. Sadly, you are forced to wake up with yourself and see yourself at work/school. You have a deep conversation with yourself which leads to flirting with yourself and, later, a steamy night of toe-curling passion with yourself. You try to forget yourself and burn all your pictures but feel drawn to yourself, and are hurt in a rampage over your conflicting emotions. You go to see yourself at the hospital and everything is fine until you go into critical condition. You hold yourself in your arms as your last breath leaves your body. Yourself is sad until they encounter your uber hot cousin at your funeral, but they don't because they died in a similar way to you."
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team
Design: Black2 Template © TCCorp 2009
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Version: 1.1.1 Dragonprime Edition
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