About Legend of the Green Dragon

Settings for this game

Game Setup
Enable Slay Other Players 1
Player Fights per day 10
Days that new players are safe from PvP 5
Amount of experience when players become killable in PvP 1500
Clean user posts (filters bad language and splits words over 45 chars long) 0
Amount of gold to start a new character with 10000
New Days
Player must have fewer than how many forest fights to earn interest? 10
Max Interest Rate (%) 10
Min Interest Rate (%) 1
Game days per calendar day 24
Extra daily uses in specialty area 1
Bank settings
Max amount player can borrow per level 2000
Are players allowed to transfer gold 1
Max amount player can transfer per level of recipient (if transfers are enabled) 999905
Minimum level a player has to be before they can transfer gold (if transfers are enabled) 1
Total transfers a player can receive in one play day (if transfers are enabled) 5
Max amount total a player can transfer to others per level (if transfers are enabled) 999905
Forest Fights per day 30
Forest Creatures always drop at least 1/4 of possible gold 1
Mail Settings
Message size limit per message 15000
Limit # of messages in inbox 175
Automatically delete old messages after (days) 60
Content Expiration
Days to keep comments and news? (0 for infinite) 21
Days to keep accounts that were never logged in to? (0 for infinite) 21
Days to keep level 1 accounts with no dragon kills? (0 for infinite) 90
Days to keep all other accounts? (0 for infinite) 180
Seconds of inactivity before auto-logoff 1200
Useful Information
Day Duration 1 hours
Current game time 6:05 pm
Current Server Time 2024-06-26 07:45:13 pm
Last new day 07:00:00 pm
Next new day 08:00:00 pm (00h 14m 47s)

Quote: Aglaran Senbi says, "The glasses are a fashion statement, no? And with that trusty, rusty broom at his side he can always get the girls because of that fantastic line: "Hey girl, wanna ride my Nimbus?" So, I pity him not; he, for a teenage lad, is quite respectable when it comes to those areas. For me, it's the Weasleys that I pity."
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team
Design: Black2 Template © TCCorp 2009
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