The Complex News
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News for (Items 101 - 150 of 168)
Demonic Entity
Ellie has ignored a young explorer in danger on the dance floor today!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Intermediate Foreign Dancer to advance to level 13 after 2 days!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Easy Foreign Dancer to advance to level 12 after 2 days!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Hip-Hop Teacher to advance to level 11 after 2 days!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Hip-Hop Teacher to advance to level 10 after 2 days!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Hip-Hop Teacher, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Ballet Teacher to advance to level 9 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Beginner's Ballet Teacher to advance to level 8 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Dance Class Teacher to advance to level 7 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Advanced Dance Teacher to advance to level 6 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Intermediate Dance Teacher to advance to level 5 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Intermediate Dance Teacher, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Amateur Dance Teacher to advance to level 4 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Bimbo dancer to advance to level 3 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Background dancer to advance to level 2 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Background dancer, for being truant.
Elspeth has helped a group of starving children on the dance floor today! How kind!!!
has earned the title Party Animal for having slain the Victorian Aristocrat 43 times!
Demonic Entity
has beat the hideous creature known as The Victorian Aristorcat. All across the land, people rejoice!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Lord of the Dance to advance to level 15 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Hard Foreign Dancer to advance to level 14 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Intermediate Foreign Dancer to advance to level 13 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Intermediate Foreign Dancer, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has slain Vin Diesel, and saved the entire City from death and destruction.
Demonic Entity Ellie has defeated her master, Easy Foreign Dancer to advance to level 12 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Hip-Hop Teacher to advance to level 11 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Hip-Hop Teacher to advance to level 10 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Ballet Teacher to advance to level 9 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Beginner's Ballet Teacher to advance to level 8 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Pro Dance Class Teacher to advance to level 7 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Pro Dance Class Teacher, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Advanced Dance Teacher to advance to level 6 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Intermediate Dance Teacher to advance to level 5 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Amateur Dance Teacher to advance to level 4 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Bimbo dancer to advance to level 3 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Background dancer to advance to level 2 after 1 day!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Background dancer, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has ignored a group of starving children on the dance floor today!
Elspeth defeated M
agnus in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
has earned the title Party Animal for having slain the Victorian Aristocrat 42 times!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has beat the hideous creature known as The Victorian Aristorcat. All across the land, people rejoice!
Demonic Entity
Ellie has defeated her master, Lord of the Dance to advance to level 15 after 13 days!!
Demonic Entity
Ellie was hunted down by their master, Lord of the Dance, for being truant.
Demonic Entity
Ellie has slain Vin Diesel, and saved the entire City from death and destruction.
Elspeth defeated Colton Reid in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Elspeth defeated T
horne in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Elspeth defeated D
amien in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Elspeth defeated Newbie Quentin
in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
As sneaky as can be, Ieza
bel has just blown Maeven a kiss. Hopefully it was well recieved!
Elspeth defeated Magnus in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Quote: <Myth> Gothic Beauty Dawn steps up with a black rose with red tips in hand, she sighs heavily knowing this was all she could do. Standing before the shrine of her friend, cousin, taking in everything that laid out at the foot, tied to things. A sad smile formed on her lips, "Iris you were truly loved my dear and will be missed by many. When I heard, I lost it" Exhales as she lifts a gloved hand to wipe away a tear with a free hand, "Even though we drifted apart, I still carry the time we had together. It sucks you aren't here with us but that won't stop us from keeping your memories alive." Kneeling down she places the rose at the base of the shrine, feeling numb even being here, the woman wanted to pay her respect to her old friend, "Fly free old friend. You're in no more pain. Live on in hearts of many..." Straightening up, she would turn and descended down from the shrine. Before someone would stop Dawnie, she disappeared into the shadows.
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