The Complex News
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News for
his A
nchor; Rosaline must hold some affection for Far Cry; Leon; The question is, just how much?
his Anchor; Rosaline must hold some affection for Tummy Hurts, Niki; The question is, just how much?
Incorrigible Marcel defeated +Corpse Painted+ Emil in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Incorrigible Marcel defeated T
horne in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Incorrigible Marcel defeated C
olton Reid in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Incorrigible Marcel defeated Castle with the
Cobwebs; Cain in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Incorrigible Marcel defeated Newbie Baleigh in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Incorrigible Marcel defeated Newbie Lucienne in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
hias was seen trying to lick Tummy Hurts, Niki. Did they taste good?
Tummy Hurts, Niki was seen trying to lick Matthias. Did they taste good?
Matthias cuddled up to Tummy Hurts, Niki.
Matthias was seen biting Broken Doll; Peyton in The Complex. Will this be a fight, or just the start to a fun night?
Quote: <Bitch> Bailee says, "Girl, I bought the big bottle of pooppourrie for when I want camping. My poop smelled like fruitloops. XD"
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