The Complex News
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News for
Castle with the
Cobwebs; Cain gave Tummy Hurts, Niki a kiss. In public. Won't someone please think of the children?
Married to Magic; Adonis was just seen giving Vesper a little head pat!
As sneaky as can be, Tummy Hurts, Niki has just blown Castle with the Cobwebs; Cain a kiss. Hopefully it was well recieved!
Tummy Hurts, Niki dumped diamonds from Magnolia's Dumping Booth on the Sunset over Rhapsody!
Tummy Hurts, Niki dumped rainbow glitter from Magnolia's Dumping Booth on Zachari!
Zachari was seen in the club, stalking Hazel. Maybe they wanted to masturbate to everything the person sexually did or just get up in their grill.
Machine Gun Michelle has slain Vin Diesel, and saved the entire City from death and destruction.
Machine Gun Michelle has just declared their love for flirty dirty nerdy Professor XXX! Hopefully it was a joyous occasion!
Eleri is dropping jaws and taking no prisoners today.
HappyLilAngel AnnaQuinn was seen trying to submit to Fucktoy Katie. Did they accept?
Machine Gun Michelle has helped an injured giant on the dance floor today! How kind!!!
ummy Hurts, Niki was heard singing a song just for HappyLilAngel AnnaQuinn. Not for you, eavesdropper.
Tummy Hurts, Niki was seen biting Far Cry; Leon in The Complex. Will this be a fight, or just the start to a fun night?
HappyLilAngel AnnaQuinn was seen purring at Princess Alara! Does it hurt or tickle?
Far Cry; Leon was seen biting Tummy Hurts, Niki in The Complex. Will this be a fight, or just the start to a fun night?
Practice Safe Hex, Lena was seen trying to bearhug Velociraptor Jorge. Hope they didnt squeeze too tight.
Fucktoy Katie just got their nipples twisted! Yowch!
HappyLilAngel AnnaQuinn just got their hair pulled by Princess Alara!
Quote: <JuGS> Paxton says, "Jay is very fragile. He's made of paper and glass."
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