The Complex News
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News for
emon of Light, Jake Skellington gave Moxi a kiss. In public. Won't someone please think of the children?
Married to Magic; Adonis was just seen giving Jezabel a little head pat!
Matthias was seen trying to bearhug beautiful things; Magnolia. Hope they didnt squeeze too tight.
beautiful things; Magnolia was seen trying to bearhug Matthias. Hope they didnt squeeze too tight.
beautiful things; Magnolia has just declared their love for Married to Magic; Adonis! Hopefully it was a joyous occasion!
Demon of Light, Jake Skellington was found dipkissing Eleri. Love is in the air (or someone is about to get slapped).
Married to Magic; Adonis was found dipkissing beautiful things; Magnolia. Love is in the air (or someone is about to get slapped).
Married to Magic; Adonis has just declared their love for beautiful things; Magnolia! Hopefully it was a joyous occasion!
Married to Magic; Adonis cuddled up to beautiful things; Magnolia.
As sneaky as can be, beautiful things; Magnolia has just blown Married to Magic; Adonis a kiss. Hopefully it was well recieved!
beautiful things; Magnolia cuddled up to Married to Magic; Adonis.
beautiful things; Magnolia was seen trying to bearhug Incorrigible Marcel. Hope they didnt squeeze too tight.
Demon of Light, Jake Skellington was seen trying to tell themself to tune in to the radio!!
As sneaky as can be, Demon of Light, Jake Skellington has just blown Imogen a kiss. Hopefully it was well recieved!
Kaien defeated Elisabeth in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Doll; Peyton was found dipkissing Pink Venom Niki. Love is in the air (or someone is about to get slapped).
Quote: Answer Machine of Delusion Connor is here.
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