The Complex News
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News for
eautiful things; Magnolia has become known as a perfect world; Magnolia.
Far Cry; Leon was seen biting Pink Venom Niki in The Complex. Will this be a fight, or just the start to a fun night?
As sneaky as can be, Far Cry; Leon has just blown Broken Doll; Peyton a kiss. Hopefully it was well recieved!
beautiful things; Magnolia defeated Married to Magic; Adonis in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
atthias cuddled up to the Sunset over Rhapsody.
I put the Bi in Bitch; Angel defeated Iezabel in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
put the Bi in Bitch; Angel defeated Newbie Quentin in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
put the Bi in Bitch; Angel defeated Newbie Twisty in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
aien defeated Newbie Twisty in fair combat in the fields of Club Complex.
Sunset over Rhapsody cuddled up to Matthias.
Kaien got their hair ruffled by I put the Bi in Bitch; Angel. Is it a sign of affection, or did the corporate overlords in the fashion industry pay them off hoping Kaien would need to go see a hair stylist. CONSPIRACY THEORY!?
Quote: <Intra> Reborn; Kaien just privately exposed himself to people in a way he hasn't in a long time. And he isn't even a little bit ashamed.
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