

Message ToMessageFrom
Lollipop Princess Mist Happy mothers day, Mama! Time Lady Skyllar
Newbie Banana You actually make me want to puke. <3 Anonymous
Actual Cannibal Kari Hawt Dayyum, son! You make my ..peels quiver, Anonymous
Xerapho Nobody can toast buns like me. ;) Forever Karis
Forever Karis Do you even bread, mate? Xerapho
His Little Muse Liais All the better to smother you with. ;D Cottontail, Karis
Cottontail, Karis You have perfect tits, gurl His Little Muse Liais
Mutt Xerapho I have a million things to say but I can sum it up to six words... I want an eternity with you... Weston
Midnight Man Jericho I love you, more than I can say. --- Your Thunderstorm Anonymous
The Oncuming Eclipse For a very special lady in my life, You are my world, my everything. And I can't help but love you more each and every day. I love you, so very much. Split In Two SnakeCharmer
Quote: Minaethiel says, "Um. Excuse you. I don't put much mayo in my potato salad. Shit's what the jolly green giant jizzed into a jar."
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