

Message ToMessageFrom
-Secret- Kathrine Whispers in your ear The lake Miss is filled with many creatures. They will take advantage of what you offer. They will take you and make you theirs, without a care to your protests or your struggles. Kisses your temple softly Miss if you come to the lake you will find that being taken advantage of can also be very fun. Anonymous
Newbie Alyse Dear Alyse, I love you, and will always be yours but you not returning any of my letters and the most recent of your actions that I've witnessed between you and your master have spawned doubt within my heart... I would like to know that my doubts are wrong. From your love, Dren Avid Club Goer Dren
Sinfully Tempting Akasha I love you too Akasha!! SubMistress Sara Nagarian
SubMistress Sara Nagarian I love you Sara!!!! Sinfully Tempting Akasha
Mrs. Shroomy Alexia I love you, baby, And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby, To warm a lonely night. I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say: Oh, pretty baby, Don't bring me down, I pray. Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay And let me love you, baby. Let me love you. The Magical Shroomy
Adsila Toruk Makto Mea Animus, you are my one and only. You are the air that fills my lungs. You are the beating of my heart. I don't see myself as worthy of your love, but hope that someday will be in my eyes. You are amazing beyond compare, and I will forever love you. Rex Infernus Ghost
Stripper Ares YOU LOST THE GAME :D The Beast Sundablaka
Murtagh Morzansson My hjarta <3 Atra estern ono thelduin. Mor'ranr lfa unin hjarta onr. Un du evarnya ono varda. Anonymous
VIP Thanatos *blows a kiss* "Love you too sugarpie" Avid Club Goer Alisia
Duncan Do I know you?? XD Club Goer Alisia
Quote: <JuGS> Jazzy Bih Kendra says, "You could also cheat on yourself and break up with yourself for cheating, but secretly want to get back with yourself because, besides what you told your friends, you still kind of love yourself. You constantly block and unblock yourself on your phone, and stalk your own Facebook page. Sadly, you are forced to wake up with yourself and see yourself at work/school. You have a deep conversation with yourself which leads to flirting with yourself and, later, a steamy night of toe-curling passion with yourself. You try to forget yourself and burn all your pictures but feel drawn to yourself, and are hurt in a rampage over your conflicting emotions. You go to see yourself at the hospital and everything is fine until you go into critical condition. You hold yourself in your arms as your last breath leaves your body. Yourself is sad until they encounter your uber hot cousin at your funeral, but they don't because they died in a similar way to you."
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