Frequently Asked Questions about NPC Chat, Houses, & Character Expiration
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What is NPC Chat?
It is a non playable character that talks in chat anywhere.

How do you use NPC Chat?
You need a special action to type in for the npc to talk and emote.

Whats the special action? You haven't told me.
The special action is as listed below:

For emotes:
/npc name of npc (you may use color codes here) (type your emote here)

For talk: /npc name of npc (you may use color codes here) /s (your color and words)

NOTE: You no longer need the brackets. Just type as follows:

/npc Megan waves to all.
The above produces: Megan waves hi to all.

/npc Megan /s Hi all.
The above produces: Megan says, "Hi all."

What are the costs of the houses?
The costs of the houses are as follows:

Apartment Costs:
3 VABs
500 Donation Points
50 Diamonds
5000 Dollars
10 Turns

Penthouse Costs:
25 VABs
1000 Donation Points
50 Diamonds
250000 Dollars
20 Turns

Mansion Costs:
50 VABs
2000 Donation Points
100 Diamonds
1000000 Dollars
35 Turns

What is the character expiration?
Your character will expire as follows:

Never logged in characters will be deleted in 7 days.
Level 1 characters that do not log on at least once a week (must be the same day each week) will be deleted in 7 days.
Level 2 or higher characters that do not log on at least once every 60 days will be deleted in 60 days.

Note: Level 1 characters are supposed to delete after 30 days but they don't. We are trying our best to get it fixed as fast as we can. Remember to make sure you log in at least once a week.

Any questions Cop Call it!

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Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team
Design: Black2 Template © TCCorp 2009