Message To | Message | From |
My lovely, elegant, beautiful, and sexy wife...I love you dearly and I wanted to thank you very much for deciding to marry me and form your own opinions. I will forever thank you and love you for that.
-With Loving Sincerity,
Your Husband
EOD Expert Shadowslayer
"My Love, my Everything. 'Tis nearly our three month anniversary, and yet, it does not feel so. My world has been changed, brought out of the infinite dark storm that is was plunged into. I have once before told you: You are my light in my ever dark, dim world, and I can never grant you enough gratitude for everything you have done for me. You are faithful and true, and the devotion that you share is no less than the greatest gift I have ever received. You cause me to weep often, though out of sheer joy and happiness, for your sovereign loyalty and true compassion are what make you the most wonderful man to walk this earth. Your fiance, your bride, or your companion; such titles cannot express the love I feel for you, though I pray this message does..
Forever your faithful companion,
Gypsy Queen Auralei
Corrupt Belle Nykola
Nykola, dear Nykola. You've been there for me when I've been down, and I for you. We've had our moments of anger with each other, but we've forgiven each other. I've always been the one, standing at your side when you need someone, and I've stood there, the invisible man I am. While I'm glad to see a man at your side, it strikes a chord in my heart to see just that. Perhaps one day, you'll finally turn around, and finally see me, and the man below the surface.
~Beautiful Deceit
I choose you. Complications and all.
Le General*s Charity
Hey sexeh baby ;D
I like the way you move around in bed and the way you, and the other way you see you later I'll bring the paddle ;D
General America
General America
"Hey there, sexy boi." ;) "I like the way you do that thing... in bed...with your tongue."
Le General*s Charity
Server Buckeyes
Hey, what's up
Newbie Linda
This is the man i love with all my heart
I'm glad we met and i'm also glad we are dating
I hope we stay together forever and ever <3
Dancer Cato
Newbie Xiorn
To the man that I love with all my heart: I love you. You are my other half, I am not complete without you. I am always here for you. I love you, Xiorn.
New Breed Borvik
I thought you would never leave me
I thought you would never lie,
I wish I could just die.
How could you play me this way?
Why would you not tell me instead?
You should had set me free and just let me be!
How could you live with yourself?
How could you look at her face and tell her that you love her?
when you know you should of just told her.
Why drag me along, when you know you were wrong?
You told me you loved me, you told me that you cared.
I believed you because I was scared.
Afraid to loose my lover, not knowing it was all over.
Where was she all this time, when I was sure you were mine?
You promised her eternity, but you could not give me an alternative.
Why would you mark me this way,
you have left a stain that shames my last name.
Because my love for you was so strong.
I thought I could never hate you but I guess I was wrong,
All I can do now is sit and analyze
And hope one day you would realize.
That I did not deserve this and you shoul
<Para> the World According to Spencer says, "Rosaline, put that stuff away! I'm not into that gay shit. #nohomo #prideisasin"