

Message ToMessageFrom
Club Goer Alisia Shoutout to my homie! Duncan
Unforgettable AngelEyes I love you now and forevermore my Cute Sexy Angel! Embodiment of Darkness NeoDraconis
Gott der Natur JollyGG Your Awsome! Unforgettable AngelEyes
Monsieur Trick So if roses are read...and I am pale. What does a rose look like against my skin? Love you, Might just have to find out, Holly Heart & Soul Hollyrath
Senior VIP Julius MIne forever until there is no more eternity. Sinfully Tempting Akasha
Gambino Master, your slave will bring triplets into this world for you. Manager VictoriaChambers
Im Missbehaving My love for you burns like 1000 suns Anonymous
Newbie Hollyrath you are the sun the sky in my life if i could do anything i would pull the moon and its stars out of the night sky and make a necklace with your name etched in the center ILU Enforcer Deputy Dragon
SubMistress Sara Matanza THAAANKS FOR MAKING ME DOODOO GIRL Newbie Serena
Black Knight Falco you make life so much easier. You are easy on the eyes and make me smile. I couldnt ask for more from anyone than everything you do. You deserve to be happy, because seeing your smile is worth more than the world. Anonymous
Quote: Spoonmistress AnnaQuinn says, "Not the first time I've licked something off that spoon."
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