

Message ToMessageFrom
Sorin My love... only the bravest souls signed up for the twin flame journey.... and what a greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life? They are there to strengthen each other and to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories... your existence let's me know that I am doing something right. Magic Hayes
Addictive Alexia Soo much appriciation for you, my calm, my love, my favourite person! ^_^ I love you and you should know this! You never fail to amaze me how perfect you are! ^_^ Craving Delusion
Craving Delusion You are Amazing <3 Addictive Alexia
Elias I don't know if this even works anymore... but if it does--- let it be known, I love you dearly and always. Just a Hayes
Radiantly Mrs. Skye Youre amazing!! Silent Knight Adonis
Silent Knight Adonis "Adonis, my Knight.. My world is a lot more brighter with you in it. Thank you for loving me. I love you." <3 Radiantly Mrs. Skye
Super AndroidS Tyrnon & Keldan Sup Super Saiyan Power
Mad Darkthorn Thorn you make this site with playing LOVE YA Club Junkie Caitlin Snow
Burn The House Down Aela I just wanted to say that I love you very much. You are an amazing person and you mean a lot to me. I know we didn't talk much before but I wish to be your friend on here for a long time, and also elsewhere, and I hope maybe we can take it past the friend level, some day on here. Anonymous
Royal Bunny of Darkness Sin My tits are nothing compared to the fabulousness of your own jiggly squishiness. Any guy/girl would be lucky to use them as pillows or to have a mouthful. ;) Insatiable Rosalia
Quote: <Intra> Lets Commit High Treason says, "We're all heathens here."
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