Message To | Message | From |
Btw, it's a joke :3 But you're still an awesome friend :D
You & I will always be unfinished business. Besties for Life ;D
Forever Broken Liais
My love, you and I are quite the same on an emotional level. It really isn't healthy. XD But I love you dearly even when I'm bitchy af. <3
Cannibal AF Karis
Pretty Princess Au
To the most gorgeous woman in the world, I'm glad you're mine, and rest assured that I am yours.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
The most Awesome person I have met and a beautiful friend : Hugs and Kisses :
Newbie the Duffman
Newbie Major Samantha Carter
I will always love you no matter what. you are the one that makes me the happiest ever and I am glad to know that you are my wife.
Club Junkie Gambit
I love you Gambit,You know who I am.
Pop goes Marethyu
Hello Marethyu,I love you and I always will,You may not be my only Lover but you are the best I have ever had and You will ALWAYS be the best lover.
Newbie Avril Lavigne
Whenever I see that little yellow 1 at the top of my screen I rush to see if it's from you. When it is, my heart soars and as I read your words I feel all the love and care that you constantly put forth. Never stop calling the cops.
Alected Official
Fight Knight Niserion
I want the world to know that I adore you, my Daemon. <3 Forever and always my favorite, I wish I could play with you all the time, forever! Now come stab me, please?
Splosive Babe Mistreya
Flying on Stardust; Citron says, "I was just graced with the mental image of bondage using nerds rope, and so felt the need to share that thought with present company."