

Message ToMessageFrom
His Princess Ariel Not possible, you sexy lady. Jussayin. <3 Her Prince Xerapho
Her Prince Xerapho I Love you more. Jussayin' <3 His Princess Ariel
His Princess Ariel I LOVE YOU. Jussayin. <3 Her Prince Xerapho
Legendary Loren Dear Loren, I miss you more than anything and I wanted you to know how much you mean to me. How much I love you. How amazing you make me feel. I wanted to write you a poem for Valentine's Day but that's pretty cheesy.. :3 And you know I don't do that kinda thing. <3 So... here are the things that I love most about you: 1. Your smile 2. How you're always there 3. How you hold me in your arms 4. How you make me laugh 5. How you make me smile 6. The way you make my heart skip a beat 7. Your passion 8. Your lips 9. Your touch 10. The way you make butterflies swarm in my stomach I love your everything and I'm so glad you're mine. Forever. <3 Happy Valentine's Day, darling. <3, Caitie Caitie
Newbie Venus Happy Valentine's Day my Wonderful and Beautiful Wife! I love you! Investor Jessica
Fornicator Eliza You so totally rock! Investor Jessica
~Beautiful Deceit Oh boy, you will never guess who this is but I love you. Anonymous
Fallen Xanthe I love you. Forever and always. :) Anonymous
Fatal Attraction Kalazaar I LOVE YER BODY! Anonymous
Dragons Shandrel Shan... MY love My darling heart there isnt a moment in time that goes by without my love for you growing stronger, you make me feel so happy my darling Your Dragon Eternal eputy ragon
Quote: <Myth> Gothic Beauty Dawn steps up with a black rose with red tips in hand, she sighs heavily knowing this was all she could do. Standing before the shrine of her friend, cousin, taking in everything that laid out at the foot, tied to things. A sad smile formed on her lips, "Iris you were truly loved my dear and will be missed by many. When I heard, I lost it" Exhales as she lifts a gloved hand to wipe away a tear with a free hand, "Even though we drifted apart, I still carry the time we had together. It sucks you aren't here with us but that won't stop us from keeping your memories alive." Kneeling down she places the rose at the base of the shrine, feeling numb even being here, the woman wanted to pay her respect to her old friend, "Fly free old friend. You're in no more pain. Live on in hearts of many..." Straightening up, she would turn and descended down from the shrine. Before someone would stop Dawnie, she disappeared into the shadows.
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