

Message ToMessageFrom
Spork stabber Joko Happy Birthday!!! I love you!!! Jokos Master RanVan
Newbie Xiorn My dearest Xiorn, Words cannot describe how deeply I have grown to care for you. You are my everything; the very reason for my existence. There isnt a day that goes by where I dont think of how lucky I am to have you by my side. I love you! <3 Forever yours, ~Daphne Avid Club Goer Daphne
Avid Club Goer Daphne When I first danced with you, I knew then that I wanted to be with you and to be by your side..Since that day those feelings only ever grow stronger and stronger each day as does my lust and desire for you. I love you, my Daphne. Newbie Xiorn
Her Demon King Ryosuke I love you more then anything else. You are my addiction that I never want to break. My demon king, I love you as much anyone could possibly love anyone else. I am your's. His Dark Angel Leila
His Dark Angel Leila There isn't a moment that goes by that I will not shower you with my love for you cause baby you are my addiction Her Demon King Ryosuke
SubMistress Sara Nagarian %s Anonymous
Server Gambit _____8888888888____________________ ____888888888888888_________________ __888888822222228888________________ _88888822222222288888_______________ 888888222222222228888822228888______ 888882222222222222288222222222888___ 8888822222222222222222222222222288__ _8888822222222222222222222222222_88_ __88888222222222222222222222222__888 ___888822222222222222222222222___888 ____8888222222222222222222222____888 _____8888222222222222222222_____888_ ______8882222222222222222_____8888__ _______888822222222222______888888__ ________8888882222______88888888____ _________888888_____888888888_______ __________88888888888888____________ ___________8888888888_______________ ____________8888888_________________ _____________88888__________________ ______________888___________________ _______________8____________________ here is my heart, just for you dont take it apart its bought brand new other have taken my old one and broken it in pieces this one is giving to me by Club Goer Hovoni
Amazing Abby I think your so sexy. Anonymous
His Loved Jaylynn your love is like a 1000 fireflies lighting up the night sky, its beautty never faultering I love you Jaylynn HerDhark Obsidian
EOD Expert Shadowslayer Look into my heart, Connect with my soul, And know me. Remember us, Feel you and I, And know me. Believe in our unity, A love uniquely defined, And know me. Look toward the future, See a greater vision, And know me. Together we share unrivaled passion, Our strength will guide us, You do know me. Missbehaving
Quote: House Elf Teddybear welcomes Matty into her build-a-bear workshop. <3
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