Message To | Message | From |
Insatiable Rosalia
Random note you got some nice tits. :p
Royal Bunny of Darkness Sin
Shout-out to the fabulous Roxy!
Newbie Sin
My dearest Mistress,
I look forward to seeing the land of your design; and those that have been so lucky as the receive my eyesight. I shall take pride in watching those that have come from you as they too create little ones to roam your forest - and those that you yourself shall bring upon this world to wreck havoc as some of your children do now.
You beloved Pet.
Snde! Ehena
Snde! Ehena
My pet,
we shall see and land were we are meant to soon. Then, you can go back to your hobby of stocking my family.
Your Mistress
Newbie Sin
Newbie Orochi
Just remember the kitsubunnies,my King
Bunni of Kaos
Scrambled eggs Liais
Your TM is full btw
You are a dream. It was as if Fate created a man meant just for me. Is it wrong of me to put you on a pedestal? I want to be more like you: Sweet, passionate, sincere, and caring. There are times I find it hard to believe I found you. I had lost hope, but you have reignited my spirit. Thank you for reminding me what love is truly all about, for showing me that there are good man out there because I stopped believing it was true. I want to be your everything, your best friend, your wife, the one you can trust and come to without judgment or fear that I will leave you. My heart has been closed for such a long time I do not think I will ever be as good as you are at love. I will always keep trying to face my fear and overcome these thoughts of abandonment because I want to be committed to you. You are a beautiful soul. I love you, always.
The Angel on Top Reign
I see you in this sea of women. Cant tell if youre drowning or swimmin. Are you relaxing and floating on your back? And when the time comes, will you find me? Im in the sea as well but closer to shore. Where the fish nip at my feet and the sharks dont bother me. Im waiting for you there. If youre floating, look up at the sky and see. If youre drowning, hold out your hand for me. Swim back to sure. Youll find me there with fire ready to warm you. And a home to call our own.
Newbie Michael J Caboose
Club Goer Lunaria
I think you are the greatest guy on this site.
<Intra> The Galaxy of Faye
wants to be suplexed.